Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Well, let's start the necromantic ritual: This year, the blog was admittedly not the main focus, with only a few posts. BUT this was mainly due to new and exciting projects: I started recording gaming videos ("Let's Plays" for YouTube), while rapidly professionalising. At some point, I set up a proper channel called Professor Plays! Check it out, I even have an SFX intro. Highlight was my ability to play and upload the Wasteland 3 Alpha at launch due to holidays.

More creative energy went into the overdue continuation of my musical side project Commander Deep, with the release of its second Album Rematerialisation In Finity. The production volume is approximately 100x higher than the last one, featuring multiple instruments, better SFX and proper artworks.
Gradient of Disorder is still around, with our first album rapidly steadfastly approaching completion. Only vocals and a few instrumental parts for one song need to be recorded, with eight songs being already mixed. Expect it 2020, for real.

On the scientific front, I wrote an article about magnetic fields for "Der Skeptiker" that can be ordered here. Next year will probably see a few public education talks about 5G and why you don't need to hide under a stone because of it.

During traveling for conferences and meetings in north america, I made a nice travel video.

But most importantly, I got a new position (to be exactly half of one) for research using an intraoperative MRI that will be online in the near future. This cutting edge imager will offer exciting possibilities.

I summarise: 2019 was a productive and successful year!

Happy solstice, have a christmas and stay epic!